
How to Unstake Your hTON

How to Unstake Your hTON

When you're ready to convert your hTON back into TON, there are two options:

Option 1: Unstake via Hipo App

Connect your wallet to the Hipo Web App or Telegram Mini App and select the option to unstake. This method has the lowest fees, but in some cases, you may have to wait up to 36 hours if all of Hipo’s smart contract funds are locked during the staking rewards process.

Option 2: Swap via DEXs

If you need your TON instantly, you can swap your hTON through decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like DeDust or Stonfi for a slightly higher fee. This method allows you to access your TON immediately:

1- DeDust

2- STON.fi

Additionally, some wallets like Tonkeeper offer a feature where you can swap hTON for TON directly within the app.

Last updated